Ah, college life. The time where you learn how to adult, aka being responsible for your studies while still making time to have a little fun.
Can’t really speak from experience to guide you on the latter because I was a sheltered, nerdy kid, but for keeping up with school, I have these perfect spread ideas for your bullet journal for university and college.
Let’s start the show and tell.
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Recommended resources
- Japanese graph paper notebook* perfect for notetaking
- Throwback to elementary school days and the teacher rewards chart stickers* because you can never be too old for stickers
- Comprehensive bullet journaling roadmap* with printable bujo pages
Or check out the best bullet journal buys, as recommended by the most popular bullet journalists online.
Schedule timetable
Of course, you’ll want to keep a copy of your class schedule. It’s also helpful to log your instructor’s name and contact info, so you can schedule to meet during office hours if needed. (via Life is Messy and Brilliant)Timetable and assignments
Having your class schedule in calendex form and list of assignments side by side helps you quickly see when major assignments are due. (via Pin source)Homework assignment and exams log
If the list of assignments and exams is rather lengthy, you can drop the class (j/k), or make a dedicated spread like this to make sure you don’t miss on any of your deadlines. (via @fickle_fern)Semester overview
In future log fashion, you can set up the semester overview with mini monthly calendars at top, then add the appropriate assignment and quiz or exam dates underneath. Color coding with Zebra mildliners* or pretty planner stickers will help you see what kind of event or task it is. (via @bujo.diaries)Bullet journal attendance tracker
Going to class is one of the many things you can track in your bullet journal. Hopefully you don’t have many red absences and green tardies. (via @tinyrayofsunshine)
What better way to motivate you to go to class than to fill the spots with school stickers*?
Class notes
If you can make math look as pretty as this with your hand lettering, I’m pretty confident you will do well in your studies. Even I would want to learn about convergence and divergence in math by this simple yet beautiful minimalist bullet journal page. (via @studyquill)Essay plan
For those lengthier assignments, it’s good to outline the main points you want to talk about in your paper before you begin writing. (via Pin image)Study plan
And applying this same kind of planning ahead will help you tremendously during exam time, so you’re not pulling all-nighters. (via @breeeberry)Study tracker
And because you’re going to be so diligent with your studying, you might as well track it. (via @focusign)Grade tracker
You’ll also want to keep up with your grades throughout the semester, so having them in a handy spread like this will be easy for you to reference. (via Pin image)University degree plan and course overview
To ensure you're making progress on your degree by taking the necessary coursework, including your major and any minors or certificates, keep a list like this. (via The Organized Brain)End of semester motivation
Doesn’t hurt to have a spread like this to give you reasons to push through to the end of the semester and through your finals. Bullet journal doodles are the way to go for visual motivation. (via @plantosucceed)Conclusion
A college bullet journal will keep you organized with your classes, coursework, and exams and get those straight A’s.
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