Mmm…cake. I sure love me some of that. And with how much quicker and easier it is to do with an instant pot, I’m pretty tempted to eat it e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y. Less talking, more instant pot cake. Let’s do this.

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Recommended resources
- Instant pot* to get the cake making going
- Full circle pan* to get the most cake possible from your instant pot
- Bundt pan* for an okay amount of cake
- Ceramic ramekins* or Pyrex bowls* for individual portion cakes that you may share, if you feel like it.
Don't miss out on this list of top recommended instant pot accessories by the best Instant pot cooks on the web.
Chocolate cake
Let’s start things off with a bang. Ooey, gooey chocolaty richness. (via Adventures of a Nurse)
Chocolate zucchini cake
If you’re feeling less naughty, here’s one made from zucchini. (via 365 Days of Crockpot)
Low carb, eggless, vegan paleo chocolate cake
Or if you’re really, really good, then there’s this cake that uses banana and avocado for the base and fair trade cocoa powder for the flavor. (via The Curious Coconut)
Red velvet molten lava cake
Or for a deep red classic, try this lava cake. (via Simple Pressure Cooker Meals)
Pumpkin chocolate cake
For a little spice and sweet, this would be perfect. (via A Pinch of Healthy)
Caramel apple coffee
This apple treat can be served as dessert, or for breakfast. (via The Typical Mom)
Angel food cake
If you prefer lower calories, give this fat-free angel food cake one a try. (via The Typical Mom)
Magic cake
Or if you want all the textures, try this 3-for-1 special: fudge, sponge, and custard. Can you believe these all come from the same batter? (via Adventures of a Nurse)
Try all of these instant pot cake recipes to satisfy your guiltiest pleasure. Feel free to keep them coming with more instant pot cheesecakes or instant pot desserts.
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